Thursday, September 13, 2012

Easy Modak Recipe | Paneer Modak Peda | Ganesh Chaturthi Recipes

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All the bloggers have started posting various Modak varieties for Ganesh Chaturthi and I am sure Ganesh Ji would be happy with the modaks offered to him much before the real feast on Ganesh Chaturthi day commences.
I have mentioned in a detailed manner in my earlier post about how we celebrate this festival at my place.We usually make steamed modak(kudumulu) with various fillings (like coconut,ground nut,sesame,khus khus) and so do those from Maharashtra. I was though surprised to see various varieties of Modaks available in sweet shops in Mumbai different from the usual steamed modaks that are generally available. The variety ranges from mawa modak, malai modak, kesar modak, peda kind modak and even chocolate modak;the creativity is endless.I have been planning to attempt something like modak peda for this year's Ganesh Chaturthi but I did not want to make with either mawa or cream, hence I came up with another alternative-paneer.I had successfully used paneer(cottage cheese) in mango fudge and hence wanted to attempt a plain version of it.
I have followed the measurements from this recipe as I wanted a thicker version of burfi.This recipe is a breeze for those who find it difficult to attempt the traditional steamed modak recipe.I hope you all like this.
Check out other important recipes for Vinayaka Chavithi:
For a complete list of various options for Ganesh Chaturthi menu, check out here.
Kesar Paneer Modak Recipe :
(makes 10-12)

1/2 cup Paneer*,freshly made
1/2 cup Milk powder
1/2 cup whole Milk
1/2 cup + 3 tbsp Sugar
1/2 tsp Cardamom powder
a few strands of Saffron(for color)
2-3 tbsp Ghee
  • Crumble paneer nicely with out any lumps.If the paneer is very grainy you can pulse it in mixie for a couple of seconds,I kept it as it is and hence mine was grainy,I suggest you to grind it once for a smooth peda.
  • In a thick kadai add crumbled paneer,milk powder,milk,saffron strands and give a nice until they mix properly.Add ghee to it and keep stirring until it forms a thick mixture.If the mixture sticks to the pan add another tbsp of ghee to it.
  • Keep stirring until the mixture is completely dry and forms like thick chapati dough.Switch off the flame and let it cool down a bit.
  • Meanwhile grind sugar with cardamom powder to a fine powder.
  • Add sugar(reserve 2 tbsp and add rest) to the slightly warm paneer mixture and mix well.Knead it so that the sugar will get distributed through out the sweet.Check the sweetness if you feel that it is less you can add the remaining sugar otherwise it is fine.If you add sugar while the mixture is hot it will melt and form like a fudge,so it is necessary to add sugar only when it is cooled down.
  • Make a big gooseberry sized ball and press it using the modak mold to give a nice shape to it.If you do not have it try making modak with hands or in the form of pedas. This is the modak mold I used.

  • If you do not get the perfect shape now initially do not bother.Keep them in refrigerator for sometime,say 1 hr and by then it will firm up.Then press them again in the same mold.As my paneer was grainy you cannot see the shape clearly,if the mixture is very smooth you can make out the modak pattern on it nicely.
Chill them and serve it.Take them out 10 mins before you want to serve.You can keep them for 3-4 days when refrigerated.

*to make paneer : Heat 1/2 liter of milk until it comes to a boil add juice of 1/2 lemon and give a stir it will start curdling,add bit more lemon juice if needed.Once it is curdled completely strain into a muslin cloth and give a fresh water bath to remove any lemon smell in it.Squeeze the extra water and hang it for some time or place a heavy stuff on it.Keep it aside for 20 mins.
  1. It is important that you should not add sugar while the mixture is hot as it will melt and form like a fudge,so it is necessary to add sugar only when the paneer mixture is cooled down.
  2. Freshly made paneer tastes better in this,but you can use store bought one as well.
  3. You can shape them with your hands like pedas/modak, you don't need to have that mold really for it.


Akila said...

beautiful n innovative peda's.... lovely clicks...

radha said...

What a novel idea! Lovely. Steamed modak is not the easiest thing to make.

Jeyashris Kitchen said...

This is very new and the pedas are looking super cool and pretty. Beautiful pictures

Rashida Shaikh said...

Nice peda, thanks for clear description.

Lakshmi Canteen @ Koppa said...


great-secret-of-life said...

So new way to make Modak so creative .. Stunning pic..

The McIlrath Family said...

Oh my gosh how did I not know about this blog?! Thanks for sharing.

Suja Manoj said...

Unique recipe,they looks so cute.

Laavanya said...

These look so cute!

Teena said...

Yummy Peda!!! I loved the clicks too :)

hotpotcooking said...

Such a nice way of making modak. Looks so tempting.

divyagcp said...

Delicious and interesting Pedas.. Love the presentation..

Divya's Culinary Journey

Unknown said...

I was thinking of making modak on the same lines, but got the idea of using khoya which takes time to prepare and not easily available I can use paneer(like sandesh recipe)..looks cute and delicious..

Reshmi Mahesh said...

Loved the pedas..They look very cute in that shape..Nice detailed description...

Satya said...

modaks looks absolutely divine ....gr8 clicks

Unknown said...

Neat!! I love those cute modak moulds.

Hamaree Rasoi said...

Like the cute small molds that you have shared with us. Ganesh jee must be so happy to see the variety here...

Prema said...

Cute luking modak,luks gr8!very nice clicks and presentation Prathy!

Unknown said...

Loved this variation, yummy

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Unknown said...


Unknown said...

sweet and cute looking your innovation...

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Nupur said...

These balls so cute, am gonna try these this weekend.. love the props usd and the petals..

Me & More ... said...

Nice Presentation Pratibha.Lovely and Sweets also.Perfect for the Ganesh Chaturthi.Nice Click.Following you...Thanks.

dassana said...

thats one easy version of modak. neat and nice presentation.

Indian Khana said...

It looks so gud .....yum ...I wish I can have it right now and nice pics

Anonymous said...

The modaks look very nice and your presentation makes it more tempting....:)

Unknown said...

The Modaks Look Yumm.........could you please give me the name of the shop where we get the Modak Mould in Bangalore.

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