Friday, December 21, 2012

Strawberry Milkshake Recipe | Milkshake Recipes

Strawberries are in season and I just love those berries,in fact all berries.When ever I get a pack of them I finish it off eating them as they are before I even think of using them in any recipe.I had saved a box of strawberries this time to use them particularly in recipes and here goes my Strawberry milkshake recipe.
This recipe is no different from any other milk shake recipe and is a very basic one but this is a favorite among every one.One can make it rich by adding ice cream to it.I do not add ice cream to my milkshake on regular basis but I do add when I am in a good mood and not bother about the calories.
Strawberry Milkshake Recipe:
(Serves 2)

8-10 Strawberries
2-3 tbsp Sugar *
2 cups cold Milk *
2 scoops of Vanilla ice cream or Strawberry Ice cream (optional)
few(2-3) Ice Cubes(optional)

  • Wash the strawberries and remove the green leaves and chop them roughly into pieces.
  • In a mixer/blender add strawberries,ice cubes,sugar and 1 cup of milk and blend into a smooth puree.Check the sweetness and if needed add extra sugar.
  • Add remaining milk and vanilla/strawberry ice cream and run again to the desired consistency.Add more milk if you need a thin milkshake and also adjust the sugar accordingly.
  • Strain the milkshake in a strainer to separate the seeds.
Serve the chilled strawberry milk shake immediately.
  1. Sugar should be adjusted according to the sweetness of strawberries and to your desired sweetness.
  2. Milk also is to be adjusted according to your desired thickness.
  3. Addition of ice cream is entirely optional,it adds a nice creamy touch to milkshake.
  4. You can even add milk powder to thicken the milkshake.

Check out my other Strawberry recipes here.


  1. Looks creamy and delicious with those nice this raining weather here it will be fun to have this milkshake ...yum

  2. Delicious and I also like strawberry as well, so this will be definitely good for the hot weather here..Very well presented and I love all ur props..

  3. Very healthy n yummy milkshake, loved ur clicks too!!!
    Today's Special - Misal Pav | Stepwise recipe from scratch

  4. so yummy milkshake

  5. Awesome dear...this is my favorite beverage...I don't need anything else for meal...

  6. Nice presentation Pratibha. We love strawberry shake too.

  7. Irresistible shake, wish to get a glass rite now.

  8. Love the color...milkshake looks yum....nice presentation...


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