Monday, December 19, 2016

Strawberry Jam Recipe | Homemade Jam Recipes

strawberry jam
I like all kinds of berries to eat them as its own or in any dessert.Most of the times I end up eating them just like that unless I get an itch to make something else with it. In Mumbai we used to get fresh strawberries directly delivered from a farm in Mahabhaleswar through a building resource and hence we were fortunate to get lot of fresh and juicy strawberries every week through out the strawberry season.
strawberries recipes
I usually used to make a very small quantity of simple strawberry jam and used to finish it in 3-4 days.My strawberry Jam was simple to make with just strawberries, sugar and lemon with no additional preservatives or pectin.I have checked various recipes on net where a vanilla pod or cinnamon stick is added for extra flavoring. I have tried both the versions with the vanilla pod and cinnamon stick and absolutely loved both the versions which enhanced the taste of the jam in its own way.
homemade strawberry jam

pectin free strawberry jam
I usually make the jam with less sugar and also do not cook it for long and hence the shelf life was less but the recipe I am posting today is perfect in texture of jam and also has good shelf life.If the required amount of sugar is added and is cooked for long the jam sets beautifully even without Pectin as the fruits usually contain some amount of pectin naturally.Check out this Pectin free and Preservative free homemade Strawberry Jam recipe.
homemade strawberry jam recipe

strawberry preserve
Other Strawberry recipes in my blog:
homemade strawberry jam
Homemade Strawberry Jam Recipe:
yields: 1 Jar of Jam | Shelf life: 2 weeks
Prep time: 10 mins | Cooking time: 30 mins | Total time: 40 mins
Cuisine: World | Category:Jams/Preserves

500 gms Strawberries
1 heaped cup Sugar(roughly 250 gms)
juice of 1 small Lemon
Lemon Zest of 1 small Lemon,optional
Vanilla Pod or Cinnamon stick(for flavoring),optional

  • Place 2 small plates in the freezer to test the consistency of jam later.
  • Wash and wipe the strawberries nicely, hull the strawberries and cut them into 4 pieces or more if the strawberries are really big.
  • Add Sugar to the strawberries and keep aside for about a couple of hours or overnight.This step is optional but it will help the strawberries to release their natural juices and also helps to retain its bright color.
  • Add the lemon zest and lemon juice to the strawberry-sugar mixture.If you are using vanilla pod cut and scrape the seeds from the pod and add to the mixture or you can add a small cinnamon stick to the mixture and transfer the mixture to the pan and cook it on the low flame until the sugar disssolves completely. 
  • Then increase the flame and cook on high flame for 7-8 mins until the mixture bubbles.Carefully skim off any foam off the top of the jam.
  • Mash the mixture nicely with a potato masher or by using back of a ladle.I like my jam slightly chunky so I leave few bits here and there.
  • Simmer the mixture for 15-20 mins by mixing the mixture in between.The mixture would have thickened by now and it is time to test the consistency.
  • Pour a drop of jam on the chilled plate and if the jam is set and does not move it is considered as done, if it is runny the jam still has not reached the right stage and hence you need to cook it for some more time before you test the consistency again.
  • Cool the mixture completely and carefully transfer the mixture into sterilized jars using a dry spoon.
  • Seal and store the jam in the refrigerator for up to 10-15 days.
Spread it on a toast or make jam sandwiches or chapati-jam roll ups and enjoy!!

  1. You can follow the same process to prepare any berry jam like blueberries, blackberries, raspberry, mulberry or you can even prepare mixed berry jam.
  2. As we are not using any preservatives this jam can be stored up to 2 weeks if handled carefully.I had successfully used it for a month too.
  3. I like the flavor of both cinnamon and vanilla pod in the strawberry jam.You can use any of them or you can skip it if you do not want any additional flavor to the jam.
  4. You can add 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder or 1/2 tsp vanilla extract instead of the cinnamon stick and pod in the recipe.
strawberry jam

1 comment:

  1. I am extremely impressed along with your writing abilities, Thanks for this great share.


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